Breylee Acne Pimple Patch | Review |

Hello beauties,

I have a real soft spot for anti-acne products and while many of them are just hype and no work, I want to believe there’s a product out there that’s going to make magic in hours. Enter in, the Breylee Acne Pimple Patches. You may ask what these have so special. Well, Breylee was founded after Kate, the founder, whose child was troubled by pimples for a long time, decided it was time to help other young people cure pimples. After lot research and attempts, she found the tea tree essential oil from Australia. 

Breylee firmly believing that all kinds of skin problems can be effectively repaired by using such natural plant extracts.

The concept of produce customized basic skincare products that are attractive and affordable according to the types, ages, and usage stages of consumers by focusing on basic skincare is so attractive, so when I received their Acne Pimple Patches, courtesy of Clean Skin (click here) I new these would be a favorite. But are they? Read on to find out.

Beautyworkers | Breylee Acne Pimple Patch


The Breylee Acne Pimple Patch are available in the Day and Night versions, each pack retails for 16.10€ (right now there’s a promotion and they only cost 12.78€) or 25.40€ for three packs and is available at Clean Skin and other retailers. These patches are housed in a green plastic pouch. The day version in a lighter green. They are perfect to carry with you in the bag everywhere and all the time. The zipper in the package allows the product to never dry and maintain the freshness.

Beautyworkers | Breylee Acne Pimple Patch
Beautyworkers | Breylee Acne Pimple Patch


These acne patches are formulated with hydrophilic colloid. There’s a night version and a day version and the difference is in the size of the hydrophilic colloid – while the night version has 0.3mm, the day version has 0.1mm. The day version is ultra thin and perfect to use on daily basis. Both versions are transparent, thin and they blend to the skin. 

How it works: 

  1. Cover the inflamed acene with acne patch.
  2. Acne patch absorbs pus and oil, becoming opaque
  3. Hydrocolloid protects wounds from dust and viruses in the air.
Beautyworkers | Breylee Acne Pimple Patch

These patches are pretty incredible! Honestly I was a little concerned they didn’t work but after trying them, I’m very happy. In the past I had a lot of bubbles, but fortunately with the correct treatment, I can say that I have a very controlled situation. Nowadays, I have a rash here or there at that time of the month, and sometimes when I test some product that is not the most correct for oily skin with a tendency to acne.

This week I saw myself with a rash on my forehead, horrible. And I knew it was the ideal time to test these patches. The result was incredible. In a few hours the rash became less inflamed, less prominent and painless.

Beautyworkers | Breylee Acne Pimple Patch

It’s important that before you apply these, your skin is clean and dry. They don’t play very well under skincare that contains oil, and when I say they don’t play well, I want to say that they don’t adhere so well as to a clean and dry skin. 


The full ingredients list is here (it’s small but has everything it needs):

Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Polyisoprene, Polyisobutylene, Tea Tree extract.

Tea tree is known for its anti-Inflammatory and anti microbial properties. It’s thought to calm redness, swelling, and inflammation. It’s used to help, prevent and reduce acne scars, leaving you with smooth, clear skin.


1. Wash and dry the pimple area firstly. (For better effect, take toolsto prick up the acne at first.)

2. Remove the film and take out the patch.

3. Apply it on the pimple area, gently press for 3-5 seconds for betteradhesion. (Do not repeat to tear the patch.)

4. Remove and replace after it turns opaque. Wear overnight or at least5 hours.


If you suffer with blemishes and want something that can make a difference in hours, this is the product for you! The ultra thin design is fused with the tea tree extract which delivers a lot of benefits to acne prone skins. The hydrophilic colloid allows it to be full packed with the exact and delivers the ultimate acne healing and blemish spot treatment. Not to mention how convenient and efficient These patches are. As I said earlier, these patches adheres perfectly to the skin and because they are thin, I often forgot that I was using one. I have decided that these patches are going to be a staple in my skincare routine! I highly recommend trying these patches! 

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2 responses to “Breylee Acne Pimple Patch | Review |

  1. michelegoesglossy Avatar

    I have to try this. I always have a pimple here and there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beautyworkers Avatar

      How I understand you! But these patches really work. I’ve been testing them for weeks and I can see an improvement day after day!

      Liked by 1 person

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